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Fields of Flowers in Watercolor with Allen Reamer
About this event
Number of sessions: 1, 3.0 hours each
Course Fee: $32 (Gold Member Fee: $22)
NOTE: Non-member students must register and pay for this class at the Art Club.
Maximum Capacity: 20 Minimum Capacity: 5
Medium: Watercolor Paint
Instructor: Allen Reamer
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025 1 - 4 PM
Fields of flowers are beautiful and varied. Whether you have produced watercolors with fields or not. You will be able to produce beautiful, colorful flower fields using techniques and procedures that you will learn in this class. You will learn the steps to produce watercolor paintings. We will cover terms, tools and tips. You will learn and pratic a variety of techniques. The majority of the class will be spent producing watercolor. You will be given step-by-step instruction and, if you wish, one-on-one help.
Materials you may bring your own or the Instructor will provide them
1. A set of watercolors
2. Two plastic water containers
3. HB or #2 Pencil
4. Vinyl Eraser
5. Cotton Balls
6. 140 lb. or heavier watercolor paper (your choice of size)
7. Medium round pointed watercolor brush
8. Soft Paper Towels
9. Natural sponge
10. Round synthetic sponge
11. Medium filbert watercolor brush (optional)
12. Oval or round mop brush (optional)
13. Small bottle of rubber cement or masking fluid
14. Bottle to mist water on your paper (optional)
1. Students will begin the process of learning watercolor painting.
Art Club Studio 2
19745 N. Remington Dr
Surprise, AZ
(623) 546-7484
Allen w Reamer
Christine M Chew
Cecelia Kelly
Class Checker
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
20 Total Slots
13 Available Slot(s)