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HomeEventsThe Fundamentals of Shading with Allen Reamer (multi-day)

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The Fundamentals of Shading with Allen Reamer (multi-day)

About this event

The Fundamentals of Shading with Allen Reamer
Number of sessions: 2, 3.0 hours each

Course Fee: $45 (Gold Member Fee: $35)
NOTE: Non-member students must register and pay for this class at the Art Club.


Maximum Capacity: 20   Minimum Capacity: 4
Medium: GraphitePencil

Instructor: Allen Reamer

Dates: Thursday, January 23 & 30, 2025  1 - 4 PM

Have you ever seen a drawing with beautiful shaded objects and wished you could do that? You can! You can draw with lines, tone or a combination of both. Drawing with tone (dark and light areas) is shading.  In this course you will learn three different techniques to make beautifully shaded objects. After learning, practicing and mastering these blending techniques, you will learn to draw and shade a variety of manufactured and natural objects using tone. Each technique and skill be demonstrated.  Individual help by instructor is always available. We will be using graphite.


• The instructor will bring these supplies to class for your use:

Graphite Pencils: 2B, 4H, 6B

Graphite Crayons

Graphite Bars

Vinyl eraser, cotton balls, and stumps

• Students should bring the following supplies to class:

Drawing Pad - your choice of size, a small or very big pad is more difficult to use. 

Suggested: 65 lb or heavier paper (the higher number, the heavier the paper)


1. Y
ou can draw with tone! Students will learn three different techniques to shade objects.


Date and Time

Thursday, January 23, 2025, 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM


Art Club Studio 2
19745 N. Remington Dr
Surprise, AZ  
(623) 546-7484


Allen w Reamer

Christine M Chew

Evelyn C McPeak
Class Checker



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only


20 Total Slots
13 Available Slot(s)
Building Address: 19745 N. Remington Dr., Surprise, AZ 85374
Mailing Address: 19753 N. Remington Dr., Surprise, AZ 85374
Phone Number: (623) 546-7484