Number of sessions: 2, 3.0 hours each
Course Fee: $50 (Gold Member Fee: $40)
NOTE: Non-member students must register and pay for this class at the Art Club.
Maximum Capacity: 20 Minimum Capacity: 4
Medium: Multiple
Instructor: Allen Reamer
Dates: Wednesday, February 19 & 26, 2025 1 - 4 PM
The course is for new or experienced artists. You may draw and/or paint. If you paint, you may use oils, acrylics, watercolor and/or gouache. If you draw, you may use pastel and/or ink and watercolor.
Gauguin was a master at using sophistiated color schemes. You will learn a little about Gauguin what he was trying to do, the characteristics of his paintings, his color schemes and the method used to lay down the paint. Iin this course we will take a step-by-step approach to developing your skills and knowledge.
If you wish, the instructor will show you how to draw and paint any object. He will not draw or paint on your artwork.
Materials Needed for Painting:
• Paints- Oils, Acrylics, Gouche, Watercolors
• Pigments - Black, white, red, yellow and blue pigments that work together {i.e. do not mix to mud}
OR: If you want a bright landscape: Titanium White-Blue (Phthalocyanine Blue or Phthalo Blue or Wisor Blue) - Red (Quinacridone Red or Naphtol Red or Pyrrol Red) - Yellow (Arylide Yellow or Hansa Yellow) - Lamp Black optional Green (Phthalocyanine Green or Phthalo Green)- Optional Browns (Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna Burnt Sienna)
OR: If you want a muted landscape: Titanium White- Blue (Cobalt Blue) -Red (Cadmium Red Medium or Cadmium- Barium Red Medium) - Yellow (Cadmium Yellow Medium OR Cadmium Yellow-Barium Medium)-Chromium Oxide Green- Bone or Ivory Black-optional Browns (Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna Burnt Sienna)
Painting Supports for oil or acrylic. Canvas board, stretched canvas, gessoed Masonite and or gessoed birch plywood.
Painting Supports for watercolor or gouache- 140 lb or heavier watercolor paper
Painting Support size and shape - your choice
Brushes-A variety of round, filbert and flat acrylic brushes. Use small brushes for small paintings, large brushes for large paintings.
Supplies-Liquid soap, soft paper towels, palette such as white foam plates wide mouth plastic container (such as Cool Whip) sketch book
Supplies for Oil Paints-Kneaded eraser, charcoal pencil, odorless mineral spirits, a 2nd container with a screw top
Supplies for acrylic-gouahe and watercolor paints-vinyl eraser #2 pencil
Materials for Drawing:
Pastels - Set of soft or oil pastels, pastel paper (your choice of surface)
Ink and Watercolor-#2 pencil, vinyl eraser, inexpensive se of pen watercolors, plastic water container, medium round acrylic brush, 140 lb. or heavier watrcolor paper.
1. With this knowledge and skill you will be able to produce paintings with the characteristics of Gauguin.