Class Payments
Club members must log onto the Grand Art Club website to register for all classes and pay for the class with a credit card within 30 minutes of registration to ensure your seat in the class. Nonpayment will result in an automatic withdrawal from the class at the end of the 30 minute grace period.
Club members can view any class or event registration they have made within their Profile Histories section. By selecting Transaction History, a screen will list the on-line transactions you have done on this website, including membership dues, class and event registrations. By selecting Payment/Credit History, a screen will list the payments you have made, including membership dues, class and event registrations.
If a club member wishes to withdraw from a class, you must do so no less than 5 days prior to the class. Please call or email the Education Committee Chairperson with your withdrawal request. You will then be removed from the class roster and a request for your class refund will be submitted to the club Treasurer. You will be notified when your class refund is available for you to pick it up at the art club.
If a class has been canceled, you should receive notification of the cancelation no less than 2-3 days prior to the scheduled date of the class. A request for your class refund will be submitted to the club Treasurer. You will be notified when your class refund is available for you to pick it up at the Art Club.
Paint Party Registrations
All Grand Residents and club members are encouraged to register for the Art Club’s monthly Paint Party. These class parties are held from 3-6 PM and are listed on our Art Club website along with all other classes. There is a set price which includes all materials necessary to complete the painting and a beverage of your choice. Registration for each Paint Party is limited to 20 students.